A Message from the Chairperson –
The Tax Year 2008 Appeal season is in full swing. This year, the Board has already received 3,453 cases, a significant increase from our caseload in previous years. Hearings are currently taking place daily, and the members of BRPAA are working hard to render all decisions as quickly as possible.
The members of the Board of Real Property Assessments and Appeals are not government employees, but private citizens with professional real estate experience. Our job is to fairly resolve disputes between property owners and the District of Columbia Government in regards to real property assessments valuations, homestead exemption disputes, and classification of real property tax class.
The Board of Real Property Assessments and Appeals is the 2nd Level of appellate adjudication for real property owners. For most taxpayers, the jurisdiction of the Board is limited only to those taxpayers who have filed 1st Level appeals with the Office of Tax and Revenue and received decisions, or fall within one of the statutory exceptions.
Whether your case involves a single residence, or large commercial property, the citizens who serve on the Board will try their very best to provide the fairest possible forum to resolve your appeal. Please feel free to visit our offices at 441 4th Street, NW – Suite 430 to learn more about what we do.
Paul Strauss, Esq.