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Real Property Tax Appeals Commission

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RPTAC Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I start the appeal process?

First level appeal must be filed with the Office of Tax and Revenue, Assessment Division, 1101 4th St SW.

How and where do I file my second level appeal?  

After the property owner/representative receives the decision from the first level and does not agree with the decision you can file an appeal with the Real Property Tax Appeals Commission (RPTAC).

Where can I get the second level assessment appeal form? 

You can contract RPTAC; the appeal form can be mailed, emailed, faxed or downloaded from the website.

How do I file petitions for multi-lot appeals?

Each lot in a multi-lot appeal must have its own submission and its own estimate of value. A single appeal form for a multi-lot case is filed incorrectly and will be rejected..

How many copies of the appeal form and the supporting documents must I submit?

You must submit 4 copies of the appeal form and the supporting documents at the time of filing.

What supporting evidence should I submit with the appeal form?

Supporting evidence such as pictures, appraisals, contracts, etc. should be attached to the appeal form.  The burden of proof is on the petitioner to prove the assessment in error.

 After filing my appeal what happens next?

Your appeal is processed a copy of the appeal is sent to the Assessor with the Office of Tax and Revenue for comments/response before the hearing.

How will I be notified of my hearing?

Petitioners are always notified of their appeal hearing by mail.

How can I see a copy of the information provided by the Office of Tax and Revenue?

The Petitioner can contact the Office of Tax and Revenue to receive a copy of the Assessor’s comment/response 5 days prior to the hearing date.

If I choose not to appear how will my appeal be decided?

If a Petitioner chooses not to appear for a hearing the Commission will decide the appeal based on the information provided by the Petitioner and the comment/responses submitted by the Assessor.

Can I reschedule my appeal hearing?

Yes. You can reschedule your appeal if there are extenuating circumstances please contact the Commission.

How many Commissioners will be present in the hearing?

There will be 1 to 3 Commissioners present in the appeal hearing.

Can I bring in additional information to the hearing?

All supporting /additional information must be submitted with the appeal form.  Additional evidence may be presented in the hearing, but may not be considered.

Will the Assessor be present in the hearing?

The Assessor and/or an Office of Tax and Revenue Representative will be present in the hearing.  The Panel will hear testimony from the Petitioner as well as the OTR representative and base their decision on the materials presented.

When will I be notified with the Commission's decision?

Each appeal filed with the Commission will have a hearing.  Petitioners will be notified in writing of RPTAC's decision.

I do not agree with RPTAC's decision can my appeal be reconsidered?

Yes, the Petitioner can request consideration 10 days after receiving the Commission's decision.

I do not agree with RPTAC's final decision what is the next step?

A Petitioner has a right to file a 3rd level appeal with DC Superior Court.  That appeal should be filed by September 30; you should contact the Court at (202) 879-1737.

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