The District of Columbia Real Property Tax Appeals Commission will hold its 2015 Administrative Meetings on the following dates:
- Monday, July 27, 2015;
- Thursday, September 24, 2015;
- Thursday, October 22, 2015; and,
- Thursday, December 17, 2015.
All meetings will start at 2:30 pm and will be held in the Commission offices located at 441 4th Street, NW, Suite 360N, Washington, DC 20001. Below is the draft agenda for all meetings. A final agenda will be posted to RPTAC’s website at prior to each meeting.
For additional information, please contact: Carlynn Fuller, Executive Director, at (202) 727-3596.
I. Call to Order
II. Ascertainment of a Quorum
III. Report by the Chairperson
IV. Report by the Executive Director
V. Comments From the Public - Limited to 2 Minutes
VI. Adjournment
Individual who wish to submit comments as part of the official record should send copies of the written statements no later than 5 pm on the following dates:
- For the July 27th meeting the deadline is Thursday, July 23, 2015
- For the September 24th meeting, the deadline is Monday, September 21, 2015
- For the October 22nd meeting, the deadline is Monday, October 19, 2015
- For the December 17th meeting, the deadline is Monday, December 14, 2015
Written statements should be submitted to:
Carlynn Fuller, Executive Director
Real Property Tax Appeals Commission
441 4th Street NW, Suite 360N
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 727-6860
Email: [email protected]