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Real Property Tax Appeals Commission

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Basis for an Appeal

The criteria for filing an appeal with RPTAC are based on the following categories:

  • Property Damage or Condition
  • Disputed Property Record
  • Equalization
  • Valuation – Real Property or Possessory Interest*
  • Classification – Tax Class 1 - Residential, Tax Class 2 - Commercial, Tax Class 3 –Vacant Commercial or Residential, or Tax Class 4 – Blight
  • Homestead Deduction – Domicile
  • Senior Citizen Tax Relief
  • Disability Tax Relief

The appeal form must be completed indicating the basis for the appeal, and all supporting evidence/documentation that is available to the Petitioner at the time of filing the appeal must be submitted at the time of filing.

A Petitioner has 20 days from the date of filing an appeal to file any supplemental documentation that was not available to the Petitioner at the time of the original filing of the appeal.

Supporting evidence may include but are not limited to:

  • Pictures (interior and/or exterior)
  • Fire/damage reports
  • Estimates of cost to repair
  • Appraisals

Comparable sales may also be submitted to demonstrate that your property is out of equalization with similar properties, sales data to support recent sales of properties as they relate to your property, appraisal, etc.

In support of your reclassification appeal, please provide information to support the correct classification i.e., utility bills, permits filed with Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, lease agreements, etc., and/or information to support owner occupancy status.

* Possessory Interest cases require the submission of the current lease agreement.

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